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Tiara Wilkerson

for Oakland Mayor 2017
Dedication - Experience - Leadership


Vote Tiara 4 A Better Tomorra!


               Team Tiara's ultimate goal is to make Oakland a cleaner and healthier place to live. Oakland struggles to make itself a healthier and cleaner place to live because of the lack of money we can devote to programs that can help make Oakland a better place for everyone to live and even for tourists to visit.

               Team Tiara wants to solve the lack of green spaces and lack of renewable energy issues here in Oakland. Green spaces are important because they are good for the environment and they are aesthetically pleasing. They also have multiple purposes including recreational purposes and they can provide spaces for local gardens. ​​To solve the issue of the lack of green spaces in Oakland, Team Tiara am planning on building more public parks on lots that are mostly vacant. To solve the lack of renewable energy in Oakland, Team Tiara plans on putting solar panels on top of public buildings and having the solar panels face North. Team Tiara also wants to partner up with the Orion Energy Renewable organization here in Oakland. Orion Energy Renewables, helps provide people with affordable uses of solar energy. 

               Illegal dumping is another huge issue, especially in Oakland. People just leave their trash on highway exits and roadsides. People also think it is okay to leave broken refrigerators and beaten up couches on public sidewalks. Team Tiara is planning on making a fine of $15,000 when you see someone littering or illegal dumping. Another solution to this issue of illegal dumping is to up cycle the trash that people dump on streets and in parks. A desert food is a place where there is a lack of fresh healthy food and there is much in West Oakland. This is a problem because the people of West Oakland can not afford healthy food. This is due in large part to the lack of supermarkets, farmers' markets and the large number of fast food restaurants. It's a problem, but not a problem. People are far from supermarkets because there is not enough and poverty is a problem. Another important factor are people's preferences. People in West Oakland might prefer fast food. We will solve this problem by financing more supermarkets and taxing fast food.

               Tiara wants to solve the homelessness issue in Oakland and also the possibility of tech companies moving into Oakland. If tech companies move into Oakland, the renting prices will be raised so the landlord knows that the tech workers can pay for it but other people from the middle class and lower class will not be able to afford living in a rental house which such high pricing. However, we still would like tech companies to move into Oakland. We plan on limiting the amount of time someone can stay in a HUD household. By putting people on Section 8 for a limited amount of time, we can encourage home-owners and renters to put themselves in a better financial situation before their contract with a house voucher expires. They will meet with a financial advisory every month to help residents set aside money for their own housing. By doing this we can also free up the section 8 wait list so that more people can have affordable housing. If tech companies want to build on our land, we will make sure that 30% of the workers will be Oakland residents. 

               To solve the homelessness problem in Oakland we are planning on partnering up with a few different organizations. By partnering up with the Youth Employment Partnership, homeless people can get the necessary work experience and history they need to get a job. We also would like to partner with the Mission for the Homeless organization in Oakland. This organization distributes food, blankets, and other goods to the homeless that the homeless might need. Another organization to partner up with is the East Oakland Community Project. This organization provides dignified emergency, transitional housing, and comprehensive support services. If we partner up with these different organizations, we will ensure that the homelessness here in Oakland decreases and every homeless man or woman is in stable shape. We need your help to make sure these changes are possible for Team Tiara. 

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